New Rational Software Makes Operator Errors Almost Impossible


LANDSBERG AM LECH – Rational has created a software solution, which now makes the operation of the SelfCookingCenter whitefficiency even easier. With “MyDisplay”, functions that are not required can be removed from the appliance’s user interface, so that every user only sees what he/she is supposed to see. This almost eliminates errors and guarantees consistently high food quality.

“I’sve been sleeping better since I started using ‘sMyDisplay’s,” says Jan Lüth, Managing Director of the Cassius Garden in Bonn, one of the largest vegetarian restaurants in Germany. He installed the new software from Rational on his appliance two months ago. Whether it is croissants in the morning or grilled vegetables at lunchtime, when cooks touch the “MyDisplay” screen they now only see what they are responsible for cooking at that moment. Lüth has almost 50 different cooking processes stored in his appliance and has saved them in so-called profiles. All users have their own customized profile, which clearly shows them exactly when they have to do what. Manual functions have quite simply been removed, so that everyone can only do what is currently necessary. “This way, I know that my dishes are always prepared in exactly the same tried-and trusted way and that the quality of my products is consistently high – without having to permanently check the results and no matter which cook prepares the food,” Lüth explains.

With 1,000 guests a day and a lunchtime buffet comprising of 20 different warm dishes, this greatly reduces the workload. The software has not only simplified workflows in the kitchen, it has made the managing director’s working day easier as well. “With ‘sMyDisplay’s it’s practically impossible to make mistakes,” he says, and would recommend the software to any business. Jan Lüth stored all the cooking processes and profiles in “MyDisplay” for the Cassius Garden himself. However, Rational is always available for a free introduction to the software and is constantly working on improving operability even further. This is because the manufacturer’s objective is for all customers to gain maximum benefit from their appliances throughout the product life.

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