TORONTO — Rain and cold couldn’t dampen the spirits of more than 1,500 food aficionados who made the trek to Toronto’s Evergreen Brick Works for its annual picnic this past weekend.
The event highlighted delicacies from more than 72 Ontario producers and 72 chefs, including Splendido’s Victor Barry, who showcased a maple-brined pork belly; Jamie Kennedy, who served a delicious mushroom strudel; and Brad Long — who recently opened the Belong Café at the Evergreen Brick Works — who featured beans with chanterelles from Forbes Wild Foods.To highlight the province’s bounty, the dishes represented 12 culinary regions of Ontario. And, in addition to the chefs, suppliers, vintners and brewers who showcased their products, the picnic also brought together 12 community partners who work on environmental and food issues as well as more than 150 event volunteers.
The Evergreen Brick Works picnic is held annually on the first weekend in October. Funds raised benefit farmers, producers, children’s food gardens, cooking workshops at Evergreen and Slow Food Toronto.