DARNLEY, P.E.I. — Everybody loves the romance and pastoral appeal of a historic wooden bridge — except when that bridge is falling apart and needs repairs.
The Darnley Bridge on the North Shore of Prince Edward Island has recently been shut down for repairs and, according to a story on CBC.ca, local restaurant owner, John Bil, is crying foul over the detour route that’s redirecting his business.
The bridge was first closed for repairs on Tuesday, with cracked beams the issue. It’s expected to remain closed to traffic for two weeks, which, as anyone who’s had to deal with a contractor knows, could mean two months.
Bil, co-owner of the Ship To Shore Restaurant & Lounge, is preparing to open for the season this Friday, and he’s also displeased about the fact that the heritage bridge — the kind of landmark which makes the Island so alluring to visitors — is going to be permanently replaced this fall with a run-of-the-mill concrete number.
For the full story, click here.