ATLANTA — Danny Collis of the Collis Group, Inc. has been awarded a MAFSI Tony Award by The Manufacturers’ Agents Association for the Foodservice Industry (MAFSI), during its 2016
Business Development Conference held last week in Phoenix.
The award, named in honour of Anthony E. Mazur, is given to a MAFSI member who has consistently furthered the progress of MAFSI and enhanced the position of the manufacturers’ agents’ function and position in the industry.
Meanwhile, a special recognition award was given to Chris Jeens, W.D. Colledge Co. Ltd., honouring his leadership and success of his regional chapter.
The association also recognized several other members including Elliot Horowitz, Elliot Horowitz Associates, who received a Lifetime Achievement Award; Tedde and Jim Reid, Supply & Equipment Foodservice Alliance (SEFA), LLC, who received an Honourary Member Award; Melissa Greenwald, Zink Foodservice, who received a Special Recognition Award; Greg Elliott, Chill-Rite Manufacturing and Ali Group North America, which received Market Mover Awards; Larry Cantamessa, Posternak Bauer Aitkenhead Cantamessa, Joe Ferri, Pecinka Ferri Associates and Carl Kisner, Ignite Foodservice Solutions, who received MAFSI Pacesetter Awards.