LDBC Online Scholarship Applications Now Open

Christine Godlonton
Christine Godlonton

VICTORIA — Les Dames d’Escoffier International BC Chapter (LDBC) online scholarship applications are now open until February 12th (11:59 pm PT) to those who identify as women in B.C. interested in furthering their careers in the culinary, beverage, agriculture, aquaculture and other hospitality fields.

Founded in 1992, LDBC has awarded scholarships for more than 30 years to support women who wish to further their careers through educational opportunities.

LDBC has up to $30,000 to award in 2025 including tuition support sponsored by the Northwest Culinary Academy of Vancouver, Pacific Institute of Culinary Arts, Cacao Barry/Chocolate Academy, Pastry Training Centre of Vancouver, Snowcap Fund, Karen A. Davidson, the Fineza Family and Two Rivers Specialty Meats.

Scholarships are open to persons in B.C. who identify as women, of any age and at any stage of their career, who are looking to either refine or expand their expertise at a credible educational institution of their choice anywhere in the world.

Applicants can be awarded a scholarship more than once, depending on their circumstances. If a woman’s previous application was unsuccessful, they’re encouraged to apply again.

Christine Godlonton, Culinary Arts Program instructor at Vancouver Island University, was awarded LDBC scholarships in both 1994 and 2023, and has become one of the newest Les Dames members joining the B.C. Chapter in 2024.

 “I’m very grateful for the support that the B.C Chapter of Les Dames d’Escoffier has provided me over the last 30 years as a young woman just embarking on a career path in B.C.’s culinary field with a ton of passion and then again as a mature woman who absolutely loves what I do,” says Godlonton. “I fully believe in the work of Les Dames d’Escoffier and I’m proud to now be a member to bring my experience full circle to mentor, support and inspire our next generation of women leaders.”

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