National Sodium Reduction Strategy Bill Tabled


OTTAWA — The NDP’s Libby Davies tabled a bill Monday, resurrecting a national sodium reduction strategy, which will require food manufacturers to lower sodium in foods, reports CTV News.

“I believe it is imperative that the government of Canada take clear, defensible decisions and actions based on scientific evidence, and that is what the bill is about,” Libby Davies was quoted as saying by CTV News.

The bill, formally named “An Act Respecting the Implementation of the Sodium Reduction Strategy for Canada,” includes such suggestions as altering information about sodium on food labels, ensuring sodium levels do not exceed certain benchmarks and creating a “Sodium Reduction Advisory Committee.”

The food manufacturing industry has responded. “For many years, Canadian food and beverage manufacturers have been steadily and voluntarily reducing the amount of sodium in the food we eat,” reads a statement from the Food & Consumer Products of Canada

For more on the tabling of the sodium bill, visit CTV News.

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