New Product Announcement: Flamebroiled Turkey Pattie

supply-advf-turkeyPattie-advance pierre foods

Turkey continues to be increasingly popular on restaurant menus. According to a recent trend report from Technomic, Inc., the strongest growth for turkey at full-service restaurants has been in the burger category.

Because it is perceived to be healthier in comparison to other proteins and has a different flavor profile, turkey has become a welcome change for many consumers.

AdvancePierre Foods is now offering a delicious, fully cooked, flamebroiled turkey pattie. The handmade texture, natural appearance and tender, juicy bite of this turkey pattie is sure to keep customers coming back for more. Plus, with only 140 calories and 8 grams of fat per serving, you can’st go wrong!

Product Description

For more information, call 1.888.723.8237 or visit

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