Tag: Joel Gregoire
Asian and Latin-American Food Win Attention Among Canadians
By: Mary Luz Mejia
It used to be that if you craved Italian food, you’d likely get a heaping plate of spaghetti with meatballs slathered...
NPD Conference Offers Insight into Canadian Eating Patterns and HMR
TORONTO — Canadian eating patterns and home-meal replacement (HMR) was the talk of the morning yesterday at the Sheraton Toronto Airport conference centre, where...
NPD’s Healthtrack Survey Reveals Eating Habits of Canadians
TORONTO — As a country with a vast landscape and geography, it’s not surprising that the eating habits of Canadians vary from coast to...
The Evolution of Eating
TORONTO — A recent NPD Group report, A Look into the Future of Eating — Canadian Marketplace, shows eating patterns over the next decade...
Canadian Snacking Takes the Cake
TORONTO — A recent study released by the NPD Group reveals Canadians eat more snacks than their southern neighbours. The “Snacking in Canada” study,...
Freeze Frame of Canadian Eating Habits
TORONTO — The locavore movement may be picking up steam in restaurants, but according to a recent NPD Group report, Canadians are opting for...