Tag: kids
The Changing Dynamic of Millennial Parents in Restaurants
Parenting is a stressful endeavour at the best of times. As a father of three, my day-to-day routine includes chaperoning, organizing play dates, managing...
Friends of We Care Bowl-a-Thon Raises $184,000
MISSISSAUGA, Ont. — Foodservice industry insiders put on their superhero costumes and bowling shoes for the annual Friends of We Care Bowling Challenge yesterday...
Ontario to Introduce Calorie-posting Legislation
TORONTO — Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care has announced that the province will put forward legislation this winter that will require large...
Friends of We Care Celebrates 30 Years of Letting Kids Be...
Spending a week away at camp is the type of experience that leaves lasting memories. For kids, it’s a genuine adventure and an experiment...
Kids Forgo Meals with Toys
CHICAGO — Kid’s meals with toys are declining in popularity, according to NPD Group research. “Kids are different today than they were a decade...
We Care Gala Date and Awards Announced
AURORA, Ont. — Friends of We Care Foundation Inc., through the support of the foodservice and hospitality industry, will present $1 million to The...
Covenant House Introduces Cooking for Life Program
TORONTO — Disadvantaged kids are learning the skills needed to work in foodservice thanks to a new Cooking for Life culinary program at Covenant...