TORONTO — Tre Stelle Cheese has launched Cheese4Change, a youth sustainability program that rewards schools and students for sustainable food behaviours. As part of the program, Tre Stelle Cheese is awarding four grants of $5,000 to schools and four grants of $500 to students who share recipes and videos of their commitment to the planet with climate and nature-friendly foods.
To be eligible to win, each ingredient must quality as one of at least five sustainable categories: local, low to no waste, healthy, ecologically responsible and fair and accessible. A panel of five sustainability experts, including green celebrity chef Danny Smiles of Montreal and youth coordinator Deanna Hammel from Zero Waste Canada, will review the recipes and video submissions. Submissions will be received until June 10, with eight winners announced on June 17.
“We strive to build a better future for generations to come and see Cheese4Change as an important step in achieving this goal,” says Ryan Baraniuk, head of Marketing, Arla Foods Canada (Tre Stelle). “Our food choices play a critical role in the health of our planet, which is why Tre Stelle is committed to supporting and rewarding students who make the effort to choose sustainable and healthy food choices.”