The Essentials


For several years Hotelier magazine has dedicated its October issue to producing The Who’s Who Market Almanac, a comprehensive directory of major hotel brands, owners and developers, and management companies. Additionally, we’ve compiled information on the industry’s prominent consultants and where you should look to source funding.  Together with the Who Owns What? poster (which we introduced in 1998), this special issue packs a powerful one-two punch and helps readers better understand the changing landscape and complexity of the hotel industry.

This year, with many hoteliers still reeling from the recessionary spiral, changes in ownership haven’t occurred as frequently as they have in the past (although in this day and age of streamlined operations, mergers and acquisitions probably make more sense than ever). Regardless of the economic environment, each new edition of the almanac and flowchart underscores the dynamism of Canada’s hotel industry and helps readers make sense of it all, but we can’t do it without your help.

As consumers, we’re inundated with information coming from every angle, yet not all of it is accurate, trustworthy or even relevant. While the incredible growth of the Internet has made more information accessible to more people, it’s also shown us information is only as good as where it’s sourced. As a publisher, it’s our job to compile info, provide context and deliver it through a filter. But in order to do our jobs effectively we must also rely on you to provide us with accurate information.

When reading the latest edition of the Almanac and Who Owns What? poster, please keep in mind that we have done our best to ensure the accuracy of the information published, and we’ve tried to present it in a logical and easy-to-understand format. More importantly, we’ve worked hard to ensure the flowchart is relevant to the Canadian landscape. And as you reference the issue throughout the year, we hope you appreciate the effort it takes to produce such a comprehensive guide.

As always, we welcome your feedback. What do you love about the issue and the flowchart, and how would you improve it to make it more relevant to your operation? Finally, next time one of our surveys lands on your desk, we hope you take the time to complete it in detail, so that we can ensure the reports we publish remain essential to your business.

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