Salmon Pool Closures Re-examined


FREDERICTON, N.B. — The department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada has its hands full reassessing protocol surrounding the closures of New Brunswick salmon pools, following complaints from fishing organizations, reports CBC News.

The federal fisheries department closed 11 pools during the past month after reports of salmon dying due to the stress of the warmer water in the Miramichi River this summer, but many argue the conditions changed before the shutdowns.

According to the CBC, Gayden Curtis, the camp manager of the Black Brook Salmon Club on the Miramichi River, agrees closing the brooks made sense when salmon were dying, but he says the conditions are much better now.

The department of Fisheries and Oceans is currently examining how to reopen and close pools at a faster rate. “We are working now on the process, on the protocol, that if this happens in the future, how this will be done, how fast we can trigger a closure,” Ernest Ferguson, a spokesman with the department, was quoted as saying by the CBC. “[We’re] also [looking at] when and how we would be able to reopen the section of the river or pool that’s being closed.”

The pools are currently closed until the end of the season.

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