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Tag: Canadian Restaurants

Charcuterie and sharing boards create opportunities for engaging experiences

By Danielle Schalk At the heart of charcuterie and sharing boards’ popularity is the experience they offer.  As Cassandra Carreiro, owner & CEO of Sharecuterie —...

DoorDash Canada Releases 2023 Restaurant Online Ordering Trends Report

TORONTO — Consumer dining habits are continually evolving. With the rapid expansion of late-night and breakfast dining options and the increasing popularity of takeout...

Operators are striking a balance of quality and affordability with their...

Beef is a staple offering in Canadian restaurants, but prevailing economic and operating conditions have had an impact on the role this protein plays...

Canadian Restaurants Recognized by Forbes Travel Guide

ATLANTA — Several Canadian restaurants were awarded Four-Star ratings from Forbes Travel Guide’s 2020 Star Awards.  The 10 Four-Star rated restaurants are: Bishop’s, VancouverCanoe, TorontoChez Muffy, Quebec...

Quebec City’s ARVI Named Canada’s Best New Restaurant

TORONTO — In a year that saw an unprecedented number of high-calibre new restaurant openings, Air Canada and presenting partner American Express yesterday revealed...

Forbes Travel Guide Recognizes World’s Top Restaurants

ATLANTA — Forbes Travel Guide has unveiled its 59th list of worldwide Star Rating recipients. The 2017 Star Rating Awards recognized 62 Five-Star, 176...

New Industry Challenges are Prompting a Need for Discussion

The term revenue management is heard in association with hotels and airlines but rarely in the context of restaurants. Canadian restaurants have been remarkably...

CBC’s Marketplace Launches Investigation into Canadian Restaurant Chains

TORONTO — Jim Chan, a retired Toronto public health inspector, has revealed tips for uncovering problems with food safety and cleanliness at Canadian restaurants...

Canadian Restaurant Owners Cheer End of NHL Lockout

MONTREAL — Restaurant and bar owners across Canada are cheering the end of the NHL lockout, which resulted in a hit in revenue to...

Smart Thinking: Energy-Efficient Technology in Foodservice

Labels might help with energy efficiency choices, but they’re only part of a bigger plan Every operator wants to conserve energy but at what...