ACF Puts Stamp of Approval on BIC Seminars


MISSISSAUGA, Ont.  — It can be dubbed bi-lateral education. Canada’s Beef Information Centre (BIC) continues to work with the American Culinary Federation (ACF) to educate chefs on Canadian beef products. In recognition of the value of these seminars, ACF has granted the BIC accreditation towards Continuing Education Hours (CEH).

“Chefs today are seeking continuing education hours (CEHs) to advance their professional development and to earn credits toward their American Culinary Federation certification. Canada’s Beef Information Centre has provided a unique opportunity to present a seminar that is educational and inspiring to chefs and culinary professionals in the industry,” said Derek Spendlove, chair for the ACF Certification Commission.

Since July 2006, BIC has presented to thousands of American chefs over the course of more than 25 ACF national, regional and chapter events. The seminars appeal to BIC’s objectives of working with the ACF chapters, creating outreach to the foodservice market and establishing a better understanding of the Canadian beef quality attributes with chef members.

“Our goal is that attendees come away with an understanding of how Canadian beef’s strong quality attributes fit the American guest’s expectations for an outstanding eating experience,” said Marty Carpenter, senior director U.S. Market Development for BIC. “They gain knowledge of the important part beef plays in a foodservice operation — our accreditation by ACF is recognition for the tangible educational value our seminars offer.”


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