MONTREAL — A&W Food Services of Canada Inc. has received the Maillon d’Or Award for Franchisor of the Year.
“We are thrilled to have been named Franchisor of the Year,” says Yanick Morin, national director, Franchise Sales. “It’s a great honour to have our success recognized by the franchise industry. [It] was a great year for A&W, as we opened 11 new restaurants in Quebec, reached the milestone of $1 billion in sales across Canada and launched a unique program enabling young entrepreneurs aged 35 and under to open their own A&W franchise, with a relatively modest investment, thanks to A&W’s financial support. Such resounding success wouldn’t have been possible without a dedicated head-office team and passionate franchisees.”
The ceremony was held on Jan. 18 at the Hôtel Bonaventure Montreal. A&W franchisees Lyne Gratton, Stéphane Gratton and Marko Bianchi received the award for being the most community-driven franchisees.