TORONTO — Canada’s brewers have launched Partners for Safer Communities, a joint initiative to promote the use of designated drivers, reduce the incidence of drinking and driving and prevent underage drinking. Beer Canada is launching this unifying initiative as an industry first for competitors to work together to advance social goals.
“Canada’s brewers have long taken the lead when it comes to encouraging moderation and responsible drinking and we’ve done it again with this new, one-of-a-kind initiative,” said Beer Canada chairman, John Sleeman. “Partners for Safer Communities is a powerful signal that, although we’re individual brewers in a fiercely competitive industry, there’s strength in putting our differences aside and taking action together to promote responsible drinking.”
Brewers are challenging their employees to participate in a ‘day in the trade’ to promote safer communities through responsible drinking. “The beer industry has partnered with police, government, NGOs and transit authorities in the past,” said Sleeman, “but we believe Partners for Safer Communities is the first multi-company, co-operative initiative in our industry to address issues of this type.”
Beer industry investments of close to $200 million over the last 35 years have contributed to significant progress in changing attitudes toward drinking and driving. The launch of Partners for Safer Communities will take place across Canada and employees of the participating brewers will visit close to 2,500 licensees in a united approach to raise awareness of correct ID checking and support servers with tips and materials on carrying out responsible service of alcohol.