Choosing a Partner to build a Top-Quality Coffee Program


Through SEB Professional’s three brands – WMF, Schaerer, and Curtis – technology, customer support, and ongoing innovation helps customer coffee programs stay ahead of the curve. With its broad selection of brewing solutions, operators never need to worry about keeping up with the latest and greatest cold coffee and specialty trends.

Whether operating a small breakfast café, or a large-scale foodservice operation, SEB Professional can help restaurant operators meet and conquer labour and efficiency challenges, and more, says Harold Ooft, head of Sales and Service, Canada, for SEB Professional.  “Our comprehensive range of equipment allows operators to develop an entire hot- and cold-beverage program tailored for their business, whether it is bean-to-cup, espresso-based beverages, traditional drip, or even tea.”

SEB has models that can double up to produce hot and iced coffees, as well as hot and iced espresso-based beverages. Popular labour-saving features with customers include automated dispensing of non-dairy milks, self-cleaning capabilities, usage monitoring, and wireless communication.

“The feedback we hear from customers is that in addition to the labour savings, there is never a bad experience because they can brew coffee on demand that is always fresh,” says Hooft. “Not having coffee sitting in a pot for hours is a big advantage.”

In addition, SEB Professional partners with operators and their roasters of choice to provide top-quality coffee to consumers, while helping them decrease their labour needs and waste. They also provide partners with insights into trends in the coffee industry, and knowledge about their space.

To find out more about how to elevate coffee in your establishment, and how to make your business a go-to destination for outstanding coffee and tea experiences, visit:

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