TORONTO — Ontarians are now required to show proof of a COVID-19 vaccination (two doses plus 14-day waiting period after second shot) as well as proof of identity at a number of indoor settings, including restaurants and bars, meeting and event spaces, concerts and more.
In this first stage of the vaccine-passport rollout, Ontarians will need to retrieve their vaccination receipts from the provincial website. Then, on Oct. 22, 2021, the province’s QR code and verification app will come into effect.
“If this is a tool that will prevent future lockdowns, and even increase the capacity of a restaurant or meeting room, then it’s a good tool,” says Tony Elenis, president & CEO of Ontario Restaurant Hotel and Motel Association. “There’s no doubt that there will be a delay in service, especially with the labour shortages, but we’re urging the government to compensate the [hospitality] industry because it takes time and time costs money.”