Subway Canada’s Never Miss Lunch Program Returns

Subway Canada Never Miss Lunch Again Program Infographic

TORONTO — In its fifth-consecutive year, Subway Canada’s Never Miss Lunch program has returned to support Food Banks Canada and help children experiencing food insecurity nationwide. Last year, Canada saw a 32-per-cent increase in food bank visits; an astonishing one-third of those users were children, making the program more important than ever.

Throughout November, Subway Canada is donating $1 from every Subway app and online order, contributing to Food Banks Canada’s goal of distributing 185,000 food packs to kids across 190 Canadian communities.

Additionally, Subway Canada’s Never Miss Lunch donation day in June introduced the brand’s first Never Miss Lunch Design Contest, in which four winning artists created designs that have been integrated into sub wrappers and used in Subway restaurants nationwide.

“Despite continued low unemployment rates, food bank visits are at an all-time high. We’re seeing more employed parents visiting food banks than ever,” says Kirstin Beardsley, CEO of Food Banks Canada. “This makes Subway Canada’s Never Miss Lunch initiative even more vital in raising awareness around child food insecurity across Canada. We’re thankful to work with loyal partners, such as Subway, in helping us get one step closer to a future where no one goes hungry.”

“Every child deserves access to fresh and nutritious food, making the continued support from our franchisees around the Never Miss Lunch program invaluable to their communities in which we live and work,” says Douglas Fry, Subway president, North America. “Over the past five years, we’re thrilled to have helped Food Banks Canada deliver 740,000 food packs to over 190 communities across Canada.”

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