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Tag: Tony Elenis

2017 Best Bar None Awards Honours Toronto, Ottawa Establishments

TORONTO — The 2017 Best Bar None (BBN) Awards were given out in Toronto and Ottawa in recognition of bars, restaurants and clubs that...

Best Bar None Celebrates Toronto and Ottawa Winners; Launches New App

TORONTO — Real Sports Bar & Grill cleaned up again during Best Bar None’s (BBN) annual awards ceremonies in Toronto and Ottawa this week,...

ORHMA Opens Waterloo Chapter

MISSISSAUGA, Ont. — The Ontario Restaurant Hotel and Motel Association (ORHMA) is growing. The Mississauga, Ont.-based association has added a new Waterloo Region board...

Ontario to Ban Smoking on Patios

OTTAWA — The provincial government recently agreed to ban smoking on restaurant patios, beginning Jan. 1. “If we prevent youth from taking up smoking in...

Best Bar None Awards Ottawa Establishments


OTTAWA — A year after the Best Bar None responsible alcohol service program expanded to Ottawa, participating members celebrated the first annual awards yesterday, with a special ceremony at Steak Modern in the city’s ByWard Market.

BBN Presents Second Annual Ontario Awards


TORONTO — The Hyatt Regency Toronto was packed with bar owners yesterday who gathered to receive certificates and awards for their participation in Best Bar None (BBN), a Mississauga, Ont.-based accreditation program for responsible alcohol service in Ontario.

ORHMA Elects New Board Members


MISSISSAUGA, Ont. — The Ontario Restaurant Hotel and Motel Association (ORHMA) elected its new Board of Directors for 2014-2015 at its annual meeting held this week at SW Hotel Toronto Airport.

Best Bar None Ontario to Expand in Toronto and Ottawa

TORONTO — Best Bar None (BBN) — the Ontario chapter of the internationally recognized accreditation program that promotes higher standards in the sale and...

Best Bar None Recognizes Top Performers

TORONTO — Glasses clinked to honour award recipients and newly accredited businesses in Toronto’s entertainment district yesterday at the inaugural Best Bar None Ontario...

ORHMA Celebrates Adaptive Cooking Class Graduates

SCARBOROUGH, Ont. — It was a monumental day for 16 graduating members of the Ontario Restaurant Hotel and Motel Association (ORHMA) Adaptive Cooking Class...