HALIFAX — The Canadian Made with Love mixologist competition is making a stop in Halifax this month, challenging a handful of locals to compete for one of two chances to visit Toronto to showcase their winning beverage at the city’s March mix-off.
Earlier this summer, a mystery-box challenge determined the finalists to be Anthony Callahan, Grafton Lounge; Andrew Schaus, Taboo Nightclub; Eugene Mccabe, Onyx; Jeff Van Horne, The Bicycle Thief; Jenner Cormier, The Middle Spoon; Katrina Roberts, Morris East; Rohit Ponnaiya, Cut Steakhouse; and Steven Fudge, Taboo Nightclub.The public will choose one winner, while a three-person judging panel chooses the second at the competition, which will take place at The Halifax Club on Oct. 24.
The next Made with Love mix-off will be held in Montreal in December. For more details on the travelling competition, visit enjoymadewithlove.com.
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